Museum Installations

Girls With Few Options


  Only five careers were open to women

when I wore my prom gown in 1964.

 So my gown
was the perfect "canvas" for
depicting these five careers.

Note the Glass Ceiling.

Also note that,
according to the art history books of the times, there were no women artists.


 Here it is, the star of the show,
at the opening of my solo show,
"Contemporary Art for Adult Children"
at the Center for the Arts
in Lynchburg VA,
April 2016

 And in a prom-season review in
The Laurel of Asheville Magazine, June 2016

(Pg. 75)



Flying High

The front half of a real bike
created a fun
at my solo show at the
Turchen Center for the Arts,
Boone, NC,

November, 2012-
February 2013